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1. Boehm В. W. et al., Characteristics of Software Quality, TRW Software Series TRW-SS-73-09, 28 December 1973. [Имеется перевод: Боэм Б. и др. Характеристики качества программного обеспечения. - М.: Мир, 1981.]

2. Boehm В. W., Software and Its Impact: A Quantitative Assessment, Datamation, 19, No. 5 (May 1973).

3. Amory W., Clapp J. A., A Software Error Classification Methodology, MITRE Technical Report No. MTR-2648, Vol. VII. 30 June 1973.

4. Shooman M. L., Lolsky M. I., Types, Distribution, and Test and Correction Times for Programming Errors, Proceedings 1975 Conference on Reliabh Software, April 21-23, 1975, IEEE Catalog No. 75, CHO940-7CSR, pp. 347-362.

5. Bosch C. A., Hetrick W. L., Software Development Characteristics Study for the CCIP-85 Study Group, TRW Systems, Vols. A, B, Report 4851.1-003, 8 October 1971.

6. Rubey R. J., Hartwick R. D., Quantitative Measurement of Program Quality, Proceedngs, ACM National Conference, 1968, pp. 671-677.

7. TRW Software Series TR-SS-73-06, in press January 1976. Revised from earlier report published as Report No. SD1776, The Quantitative Measurement of Software Safety and Reliability, August 24, 1973.

8. Fiacco A. V., McCormick G. P., Nonlinear Programming: Sequential Unvonstrained Minimization Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1968. [Имеется перевод: Фнакко A., Мак-Кормик Г. Нелинейное программирование. Методы последовательной безусловной минимизации. - М.: Мир, 1972.]

9. Lawson С. L., Hanson R. J., Solving Least Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1974.

10. Reifer D. J., Automated Aids for Reliable Software, An Invited Tutorial at the 1975 International Conference on Reliable Software, 21-23 April 1975.

11. Reifer D. J., Interim Report on the Aids Inventory Project, Technical Report SAMSO-TR-184, 16 July 1975.

12. Curry R. W., A Measure to Support Calibration and Balancing of the Effectiveness of Software Engineering Tools and Techniques. Science Applications, Inc., Technical Report BRS-15, 14 October 1975.

13. Fagan м. е., Design and Code Inspections and Process Control in the Development of Programs, IBM Technical Report TR

21572, 17 December 1974.

14. A\ilitary Standard; Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems, Equipment and Computer Programs, MlL-STD-1521 (USAF),

1 September 1972.

15. Wolverton R. W., The Cost of Developing Large Scale Software, TRW Software Series TRW-SS-73-01, March 1972.

16. Avizienis A., The Methodology of Fault-Tolerant Computing, First USA-Japan Computer Conference, 1972.

17. Shooman M. L., Operational Testing and Software Reliability Estimation During Program Development, Record, 1973 IEEE Symposium on Computer Software Reliability, April 3--May 2, 1973, IEEE Catalog No. 73, CH0741-9CSR, pp. 51-57.

18. Jelinski Z., Aloranda P. В., Applications of a Probability-Based Model to a Code Reading E.xperiment, Proceedings, IEEE Symposium on Computer Software Reliability, April 30 -May 2, 1973, p. 78.

19. Lipow M., TRW eport No. 2260.1.9-73B-15, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameters of a Software Time-To-Failure Distribution, June 1973.

20. Wolverton P. W., Schick G. J., Assessment of Software Reliability TRW-SS-73-04, September 1972.

21. Weiss H. K., Estimation of Reliability Growth in a Complex System with a Poisson-Type Failure, Operations Research, 4, No. 5, 532-545 (October 1956).

22. Corcoran W. 1, Wcingarten H., Zehna P. W., Estimating Reliability After Corrective Action, Management Science, 10, No. 4, 786-795 (July 1954).

23. Nelson E. C, A Statistical Basis for Software Reliability Assessment, TRVV-SS-73-03, March 1973.

24 В um E. IC, The Semantics of Programming Language Part I, TRW-SS-69-01, December 1969.

25.. Brown J. R, Lipow M., Testing for Software Reliability, Proceedings 1975 International Conference on Reliable Software, April 21-23, 1975, IEEE Catalog No. 75, CH940-7CSR, pp. 518-527.

26. Lipow M., Measurement of Over-all System Reliability Utilizing Results of Independent Subsystem Tests, Space Technology

Laboratories Report No. GM-TR-0165, October 1958.

27. Neyman J., Out ine of a Theory of Statistical Estimation Based on the Classical Theory of Probability, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, London, A., 236, 333 (1937).

28. Buehler R. J., Confidence Intervals for the Product of Two Binomial Parameters, /. Amer. Stat. Assoc., 52, 482-493 (1953).

29. Steck G. P., Upper Confidence Limits for the Failure Probability of Complex Networks, Sandia Corporation Research Report, December 1957.

30. Lloyd D. K., Lipow M., Reliability: Management, Methods, and Mathematics, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1962, pp. 224-229. [Имеется перевод: Ллойд Д., Липов М.

Надежность: организация, исследования, методы, математический аппарат. - М.: Сов. радио, 1964.]

31. Harter И. L., New Tables of the Incomplete Gamma-Funttion Ratio and of Percentage Points of the Chi-Square- and Beta Distributions, Aerospace Research Laboratories, USAF, 1964, Obtainable from NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161.

32. Pinney E., Fitting Curves with Zero of Infinite End Points, Ann. Math. Stat., XVIII, No. 1, 127-313 (March 1947).

33. Wolf J. E., Reliability Assessment from Test Data, Proceedings 1976 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Jan. 20-22, 1976, IEEE Catalog No. 76. CHOI044-7ROC, pp. 441 - 449.

34. Gillespie D. Т., The Monte Carlo Method of Evaluating Integrals, Report No NWC TP5714, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA 93555, February 1975, Obtainable from NTIS. Springfield, VA 22161.

35. Searle S. R., Linear Models, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1971, pp. 95-98.

86. Bowker A. R, Lieberman G. J., Engineering Statistics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1959, p. 274.


1. Miller E. F., Jr., iWethodology for Comprehensive Software Testing, Interim Report, Rome Air Development Center, RADC-TR-75-161, June 1975.

2. Clapp J. A., Sullivan J. E., Automated Monitoring of Software Quality 1974 AFIPS National Computer Conference Proceedings, pp. 337-342.

3. Youngs E A., Error-Proneness in Programming, Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science, University of North Carolina 1970.

4 Avery R. D., Hoyle J. C, Evaluating Computing Personnel, Datamation, 19, No. 7 (July 1973).

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