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Baker A. N., Goldey J. M., Ross I. M. Recovery time of pnpn diodes IRE Wescon convention Record. Vol. 3. P. 43-48.

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Glockermer K. H., Fullmann M. On the turn on behaviour of thyristors with field-initiated gale Solid State Electron., 1976. Vol. 20. P. 476-477.

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Baliga B. J. Temperature dependence of field controlled thyristor characteristics IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices. 1981b. Vol. ED-28. P. 257-264.

Baliga B. J. Electron irradiation of field-controlled thyristors IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices. 1982a. Vol. ED-29. P. 805-881.

Baliga B. J. Breakover phenomena in field-controlled thyristors IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices. 1982b. Vol. ED-29. P. 1579-1587.

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Hashimoto O., Sato Y. A high voltage high current light-activated thyristor with a new light sensitive structure PESC 81 Record, 1981. P. 226-231.

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Matsuda H., Komiyama Т., Usui Y., Takeuchi M. Characteristics for high power GTOs lEE Colloquium GTO Devices and Their Applications IEE Digest, 1985/86, 2/1-2/3.

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